Villa Quetzal

Villa Quetzal

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Happy as a Hummingbird!

When I think about hummingbirds, I find myself thinking about a sweet beverage, and a happy-active day.  My husband often tells me that I am like a hummingbird, because I love to have my coffee extra sugary every morning, some sort of coffee nectar.

In reality, hummingbirds are very small birds with a high metabolism.  They spend a great deal of energy when they are flying; therefore, they have to feed constantly, consuming up to twice their body weight in nectar every day.  Their diet is very simple, nectar and insects.  Some people believe that hummingbirds have a hollow tongue like a straw to lap up the nectar.  The research shows that their tongues have grooves on the sides to collect the nectar.  When the bill constricts, the hummingbird can swallow the nectar from flowers and feeders.
The life of a hummingbird resembles a survival-dinning adventure.  They need to eat more than any other bird in the animal kingdom, and since they have to eat over their own weight in food every day, they eat several times every hour; of course, they have to arrange their lives around eating, to minimize the danger of starvation.

          Hummingbirds are amazing creatures; they can float in mid-air, and fly deliberately backwards, forwards, horizontally or vertically, and always maintaining their position while drinking from the flower blossoms.

Hummingbirds have the ability to perch, but they rarely do it in the wild; they do it, mostly when they find a home feeder, or go to sleep.  Because they fly so much, and usually eat while flying, their feet are poorly developed; therefore, they can barely walk, that might explain why they look happier when flying.

Costa Rica has 52 of the 320 species known within the Western Hemisphere.

Hummingbirds are in my experience, magical fairyland creatures, with their brilliant plumage and their tiny whirligig wings; they are fascinating performers.

Here are few of the fun and amazing facts about these birds:
  • They fly forward, backward, shift sideways, and stop in midair
  • They can fly up to 60 miles per hour
  • They can live 5-6 years in the wild
  • They can beat their wings 60- 200 times per second
  • They have between 1000 and 1500 feathers, being the fewest number of feathers among all birds in the world.
  • Their pectoral muscle carries 25 – 30 % of their total weight
  • They lay the smallest eggs in the bird kingdom; they measure less than ½ inch long; however, they represent as much as 10% of the mothers' weight at the time of being laid.
  • They eat 5-8 times per hour
  • The average hummingbird’s heart rate is more than 1200 beats per minute
  • At rest, a hummingbird takes an average of 250 breaths per minute.

Surprisingly, most hummingbirds are solitary creatures; they do not seem to need a social network.  They do not cooperate in food searches, nesting, or any other activities, simply because they do not need to do so.  Therefore, when you see two hummingbirds chasing each other in the garden, it may be a competition for food, and not any kind of socialization.
Hummingbirds communicate through a variety of vocalizations and visual displays.  The males tend to defend vigorously their breeding grounds by sparring and jousting with their long, slender bills.  These battles, according to National Geographic, are often punctuated by a “raucous chatter and the shrill, metallic wing trill of adult males."

According to the Smithsonian’s Migratory Bird Center, the closest hummingbirds get to socialize, is when they form the so-called “leks” in the tropics.  This can be described as the grouping of different species of male hummingbirds with the purpose of singing songs to attract a mate.  As the female birds begin to arrive, the males put on a special air show to attract the ladies’ attention, going as high as 49 feet before going into top-speed dives while doing patterns on the air.  Once they attract their female, they complete mating with her.  It is worth adding that each male may mate with several females.

The solitary tendencies of the hummingbird extends even to the mating behavior.  After they mate, they do not form pair bonds.  The male flies off and the female is left to build the nest, protect, and feed the baby birds.

Hummingbird nest in tress, and rarely do it in birdhouses.  The nest itself is very small, in general not bigger than a ping-pong ball; of course, their eggs are extremely tiny.  Females usually lay two eggs, and they take from 11 to 17 days to hatch.  While the babies are in the nest their diet must be high protein; therefore, the mama hummingbird must work hard to keep the baby birds alive.  After 21 days, the nestlings are ready to fly away and begin their own hummingbird lives.

            Have you thought about how and when hummingbirds sleep?  Well, it is a fascinating process; they sleep through the night, around eight hours, just as we do.          Since they could not survive more than two hours without eating, Mother Nature has bestowed them with a great tool called Torpor.  This is a state much like a mini hibernation.  During this state, their metabolism lowers to one fifteenth normal.  Their body temperature drops to a point of becoming hypothermic.  Their heart rate drops to about 50 beats per minute.  Their breathing slows to the point that it looks like they have stopped breathing.  By sleeping this way, they can save up to 60% of their available energy.

When hummingbirds sleep and are in the Torpor state, they have been known to hang upside-down.  If you find a hummingbird that is hanging inverted, and they appear to be dead, it is actually more likely that they are just asleep.  They will probably not even respond if you touched them.  If possible, leave them alone, and they will wake up when they get warmer.

It is a very special gift to be able to see these beautiful creatures.  I feel truly blessed when I receive the visit of a hummingbird coming for breakfast at my window frame while I am having my sweet coffee in the morning.

When you visit Costa Rica, remember that a hummingbird might come to say Good Morning to you!  I assure you; it will make your day sweeter.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Just what the Doctor ordered. “Sun, Seabreeze, and Ocean"

Every time I say that spending time by the beach is, “Just what the Doctor ordered,” I know it sounds like an excuse to take a nice vacation on the beach; however, it has been known for centuries that exposure to the Sun, Sea breeze, and Ocean water, provide the body with elements that not only help to heal, but enhance life.

Personally, I love the ocean, because the sound from the waves, help me to feel calmed.  Interestingly enough I found that some researches show that the wave patterns within the brain are altered by that specific sound from the ocean waves, inducing to a state of calmness.  It might be a reason why many people choose to listen to calming CDs of ocean waves just before they are going to bed.  Some may argue that the calming effect from the waves helps to lower high blood pressure.

Sea Breeze helps you to feel healthier.

The fresh sea air helps you to sleep more soundly.  Do you remember spending the day on the beach, and having a restful night sleep?  Well, apparently the sea air is charged with healthy negative-ions that accelerate the absorption of oxygen into the body.  These same negative ions also balance the levels of serotonin, that body chemical that has to do with the mood and stress.  No wonder, after a nice weekend on the beach is common to feel more alert, and energized.

Coastal cities are best for asthmatics because the ocean breeze blows away pollutants, pollen, and other irritants.  People with asthma also tend to do better in areas that have mild climates with little humidity or extreme weather temperatures. 

Patients with cystic fibrosis could benefit greatly by spending time receiving the ocean breeze.  This is not a cure for the disease, but the ocean is a natural treatment.  Research has shown that the salty mist from the water can help break up thick mucus in the lungs and makes breathing easier.  Doctors suggest that cystic fibrosis patients live near the coastline, and take advantage of the health benefits found on the saltwater air.  
Some doctors argue that inhaling a high salt-containing air into the lungs helps draw fluid out of the tissue and create a surface lining that these patients would not have. Read more about this 162-6840072.html

Sea Water can be more beneficial than we think.

For centuries, seawater has been considered a great healing ailment; seawater contains beneficial components like calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium.  Therefore, seawater could help to heal wounds, reduce pain, improve skin condition, and flush toxins.    

Some dermatologists explain that sea water can heal some cases of dermatitis, like skin rash often caused by contact with household chemicals, poisoned plant or any other skin irritants.  Some of them argue that the salt and potassium chloride contained in the seawater seal the damaged skin and allow it to mend.  The natural ingredients harvested from the waves (sea salts, algae, and seaweed) are packed with nourishing minerals.  Its healing qualities detoxify, feed the nervous system, relieve muscular tension, and have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.  

The Sun, and its healing qualities

We all wonder at this point, how can sun exposure could be beneficial?  That poor Sun, lately has been getting such a bad reputation that no one seems to trust it anymore.  Well, we all know that anything our body receives has to be in good balance “not too much, not too little.”

Excessive sunlight can put you at higher risk for skin cancer and cataracts.  It can also make your skin wrinkle, and age way-too early in life.
Being cautious does not mean that you should avoid the sun altogether.

Sunlight happens to be one of the greatest healing remedies that you can find in nature.  The sun provides the energy that all living things need in order to exist on this earth.  Take advantage of this wonderful natural and free remedy…
Here are some of the benefits you can receive from conscious exposure to sunlight:
  • ·         It is men’s primary source of vitamin D. 
  • ·         It gives you a healthy-looking complexion.  It will make your skin smooth with an irresistible healthy glow.
  • ·         Allowing your skin to be moderately tanned, will make it more resistant to infections and sunburns than if your skin is not tanned.
  • ·         Ultraviolet rays from the sunshine, act as a natural antiseptic.  These rays can kill viruses, bacteria, molds, yeasts, fungi, and mites in air, water, and on different surfaces, including your skin.
  • ·         Moderate sun exposure helps to clear up different skin diseases such as acne, boils, athletes-foot, diaper rash, psoriasis, and eczema.
  • ·         When you feel down, one of the major benefits of sunlight is that it will soothe your nerves and boost your mood leaving you with a renewed sense of well-being.  Exposure to the sunlight increases the production of endorphins and serotonin in your brain, which will definitely leave you feeling much better.
  • ·      Sunlight improves the function of your liver, and helps it to brake down toxins and wastes that could lead to serious diseases.

Find more about this fascinating topic, and research about the healing powers of the sun: 

We have been living by the beach since 2009.  Ever since we have included the sun-sea breeze-sea water therapy to our daily lives, experiencing the multiple health benefits.  I personally enjoy enormously the sunny days; the rainy days are welcome with their drop in temperatures; even the lightning on stormy nights makes me appreciate the beautiful skies, free of pollution.

I love the living in Costa Rica, going to the beach as much as possible, receiving the benefits of the warm Sun, fresh- healing Sea breeze, and the rich Ocean water.

Next time you think about a vacation, come to Costa Rica and give your 
“Mind and Body”  “Just what the Doctor Ordered”